Baby James was born on April 30th, 2010 at 1:12 am weighing 8 lbs. 5 oz. and 22 inches. James has a full head of's a light auburn color and blue eyes. Mom, Dad and baby are all doing terrific. James comes from my side of the family, as my Dad's name is James, and my brother Stephen's middle name is James. People call my Dad Jim though...I think they want to call the baby James and not shorten it. Carlisle comes from Amanda's side of the family.
My parents have been there since Amanda went into the hospital, so I've been lucky enough to get many details of the process. The family of three are coming home tomorrow, Sunday. My parents are such PROUD Grandparents...I don't ever think I've seen them so in love with a little child. I am a very happy and proud Aunt...I just wish I could meet him NOW! :( Daniel and I have been enjoying a very relaxing short vacation at my parents beach house in Pawleys Island. The next free time in our busy calendar is at the end of May when we'll head to Reston and meet James. I will be counting down the days! I am already in love with him as he is my brother's child...what a special, happy time for our family. :) Life is so precious...Life is so good.
Pictures to come!
Pastina Soup (aka Italian Penicillin)
11 hours ago
Congratulations! I cannot wait to see pictures of the little guy. I am sure your parents are so proud. Glad everyone is doing well. So did Daniel win the bet?
ReplyDeleteI know you are thrilled! You already are a wonderful Aunt, James is blessed to have you as his. Send pictures soon...loves to everyone! Looking forward to seeing you soon!
ReplyDeleteLisa---thank you! My parents are just thrillled beyond belief!!! I forgot to post that Daniel won the far. :)
ReplyDeleteSusie---I am sooo thrilled to have James in our lives! I am dying to meet the little man! I can't wait to see you all soon,'s been way too long!