Thursday, October 30, 2014

Why I chose to work for Rodan + Fields skincare

I first saw the opportunity on a sorority sister's Facebook page back in April of this year.  It read something like this: "My friend ___, has partnered with the doctors that created Proactiv and their NEW company Rodan & Fields. What the Drs. did for acne they are now doing for aging skin. She is expanding her business and building her team across the country and Canada and is looking for excited people interested in working part time/full time around their current commitments. It doesn't matter where you live or what your background will be well coached! While Proactiv made $850 million in 181 countries, Rodan and Fields is positioned to make 3 billion. Needless to say, this is a fantastic opportunity! If you are interested in learning more please let me know and I will put you in touch with her." Interesting I thought, and went on with my day.  

You see, since having the twins (almost 17 months ago!), I have truly missed making my "own" income and having a business outlet. Before children I always longed to be a stay at home Mom. I truly and honestly do love it, but I'm also not going to lie. I really never knew how hard it would be, and I didn't realize how much I would miss my paycheck! A year ago, my husband ventured out on his own and started his own company. While I am so proud of him and he has done very well, toward the end of last year I started playing around with some ideas with how I can help our family make more money.  "Wouldn't it be nice to have a lot more savings?" I would always think.

Toward the end of last year I started personal training a woman at her home.  I did this once a week at 5:30 am.  It was perfect because I was doing what I loved and we didn't have to pay for a sitter...I made $50 and got home before the babies woke for the day.  At this point Abby and George were around 5 months old.  I didn't want to pack too much into my schedule, because let's be real, twins ain't easy and my schedule was packed as it was.  Even though I was only training once a wasn't much money, but it was still something.  

Fast forward back to April of this year.  I heard of the Rodan + Fields opportunity.  I got on the phone with Sarah who told me all about it.  I had never heard of Rodan + Fields before, but I had heard of Proactiv and knew it was a great and successful company.  Ahh, no thanks, this was not for me.  I'm just not into "that kind of stuff."  I've done direct sales before and I wasn't successful with it, so yeah, no thanks.  My husband was even very skeptical,  

But the yearning and deep desire to make money was still inside of me.  I thought, "maybe I can work part time?"  But then again, working part time and putting TWO in daycare just didn't make sense.  Plus, I do LOVE being home with them.  Children are only small once.  They need to be around their Momma just as much as I need to be around them.  A huge part of me wanted to go back to work, but then another huge part of me cried at the thought of leaving them.  I thought more about personal training, but then again came up the child care issue.  By the time I was paid for my training, I wouldn't make much extra with paying child care.  Ugh!  What gives?

June came around, and Rodan + Fields was still in the back of my mind.  After hearing that I had 60 days to return my initial investment and get all my money back if it didn't go as expected, I decided to take a leap of faith and do it.  I sent Sarah a FB messaged and said "I'm in, let's do this!"  I was shaking as I bought my starter kit.  I was SO scared I would fail at this.  I told my husband I signed up, he laughed...he totally thought it was a joke.

Shortly after I started, a good friend of mine, Lindsey, decided to join as well.  I am so happy she did because we have really gone through this together...we have been such the perfect team to support each other through this adventure.  I know it sounds so clique, cheesy, and whatever else...but this truly has been the most amazing adventure I've ever been on.  I am SO glad I jumped on board.  This opportunity has allowed me not only to make good money, but I do it on MY time and around my children.  I am my own boss and I love that.  The fact that I have only been in this business for 4 months and I am almost making what I made at my previous jobs all while working very part time around Abby and George makes my heart happy.  And folks, this is just the beginning.  Oh, and my husband is a total believer now!  Who would have thought? I am proud to say I took the leap of faith to have partnered with incredible doctor's who have incredible products.   Thank you, Rodan + Fields!  Now I better run because two little toddler's are waking up from their nap and calling for "Mamma!"