Monday, May 13, 2013

31 weeks!

How far along? 31 weeks!  
Baby’s size? At my 30 week appt. Baby A was 3 lbs. 5 ounces and Baby B was 3 lbs. 3 if I had to guess I would think they are around 3 lbs. 11ish ounces now.  We will find out in a week at our next then they should be close to 4 pounds!

Total Weight Gain: At my OB appt. last week (30 weeks) I was up 28 pounds...I'm happy with this.

Stretch marks? Still the same faint ones on my hips, nothing new from that so far...slathering myself in Palmer's cocoa butter!
Sleep:  Fabulous!!!!!  I am waking up much more to use the restroom though, but thankfully I fall right back asleep.  I think I woke up about 5 times last night to use the potty!  Oh my!
Best moment this week: Celebrating my Mom and all the Mom's out there on Mother's Day.

Miss Anything? No!

Movement: Yes, yes, yes.  The cool thing is that their movements are not just kicks anymore but every tiny movement they do I feel them and it definitely is more intense then ever.  It's the coolest thing to watch them move and see my stomach do crazy things.  Someone is getting under my ribs from time to time and that doesn't feel great, but at the same time I love it.  Not sure if it's Baby girl's feet or Baby boy's arms.  With having one baby breech and one baby not, I'm getting kicked EVERYWHERE.  Wouldn't trade it for the world though :)
Food cravings: Really not any.  I have been loving my sweets lately though but trying to not go too overboard with them.  A few brownies a day isn't overboard...right??  ;)
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope!
Gender: Girl and Boy :)
Labor Signs: No!

Symptoms: Ok, I jinxed myself...they are finally coming.  Having to use the restroom much more often, my back starts to ache at the end of the day if I'm on my feet too much, getting more tired, and starting to slightly swell----more so though if I'm on my feet too much.  Oh and Braxton Hicks contractions, although I've been having these for the past few weeks.  I guess it's about time for these symptoms to start!

Belly Button in or out? Hubs says it has popped out, but...I can't see it anymore, lol.  It still feels flesh with my skin though!  

Wedding rings on or off? Just took them off....sad day.  If feels SO weird to not be wearing them!!!  I don't like it :(  I hate going out in public with a big ole belly and no wedding rings.  Oh well.  With the warmer temperatures we are having this is causing me to swell slightly so I figured I better take them off now to be safe.
Happy or moody most of the time: HAPPY!  But definitely getting teary eyed thinking of the day I birth these two babies.  What an incredible moment it will be!

Looking forward to: Hitting 32 weeks and my next appt. with Dr. XMas a week from today!  This is a BIG appointment for us so crossing my fingers everything continues to look good.  I feel good so far, so I think all should go well.  We are really on the home stretch!  Crazy exciting!


  1. Congrats on 31 weeks. You are getting so close. Every week is such a blessing. :)

  2. Thanks, Renee! You are so right that every week is such a blessing :)
